It All Starts Down on the Farm

It All Starts Down on the Farm.....

About Me

I am a Nurse Practitioner and pediatric nurse. My passion for nutrition and health has inspired me to create this blog. I hope this blog will be a good resource for you when you grocery shop at the farmer's market or store.



It's snowing!
Snowflakes are ususally six-sided hexagonal crystals.  Snowflakes that deveop at cooler temperatures produce snowflakes with sharper tips, whereas snowflakes that develop at warmer temperatures produce  smoother tips. Here is a chart showing how the shape of the snowflake depends on the temperature: 

  • 32-25° F - Thin hexagonal plates
  • 25-21° F - Needles
  • 21-14° F - Hollow columns
  • 14-10° F - Sector plates
      • (hexagons with indentations)
  • 10-3° F - Dendrites
      • (lacy hexagonal shapes)
I highly recommend the book The Secret Life of Water by Masaru Emoto.


Which comes first food style or lifestyle?

The Food Style We Choose

We all eat in different ways and for different purposes.  It's one thing that we can control or is it?  Do our lifestyles control our food style

Which one are you?  

The Food Styles
a.  Grab and Go (it's packaged and ready to warm up in the microwave on demand)
b.  Barcode (get everything from the grocery store)
c.  Local (buy from local farms and farmer markets)
d.  Off the grid (grow and make your own foods)
e.  Expert (eat what the latest research and experts suggests)
f.  To diet
g.  Microwave (heat and stir)
h.  Cultural (eat cultural dishes that have been passed down for generations)
i.  Pyramid (eat according to government standards; food pyramid)
j.  Advertising (I see it, looks good, and I eat it)
k. For nutrition (to gain optimal health)
l.  For a health condition (blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease, etc.)
m. For relaxation
n. Emotional eater (eat to control emotions or stress)

Are you currently eating how you want to or is your lifestyle controlling your food choices?  
