It All Starts Down on the Farm

It All Starts Down on the Farm.....

About Me

I am a Nurse Practitioner and pediatric nurse. My passion for nutrition and health has inspired me to create this blog. I hope this blog will be a good resource for you when you grocery shop at the farmer's market or store.



It's snowing!
Snowflakes are ususally six-sided hexagonal crystals.  Snowflakes that deveop at cooler temperatures produce snowflakes with sharper tips, whereas snowflakes that develop at warmer temperatures produce  smoother tips. Here is a chart showing how the shape of the snowflake depends on the temperature: 

  • 32-25° F - Thin hexagonal plates
  • 25-21° F - Needles
  • 21-14° F - Hollow columns
  • 14-10° F - Sector plates
      • (hexagons with indentations)
  • 10-3° F - Dendrites
      • (lacy hexagonal shapes)
I highly recommend the book The Secret Life of Water by Masaru Emoto.


Which comes first food style or lifestyle?

The Food Style We Choose

We all eat in different ways and for different purposes.  It's one thing that we can control or is it?  Do our lifestyles control our food style

Which one are you?  

The Food Styles
a.  Grab and Go (it's packaged and ready to warm up in the microwave on demand)
b.  Barcode (get everything from the grocery store)
c.  Local (buy from local farms and farmer markets)
d.  Off the grid (grow and make your own foods)
e.  Expert (eat what the latest research and experts suggests)
f.  To diet
g.  Microwave (heat and stir)
h.  Cultural (eat cultural dishes that have been passed down for generations)
i.  Pyramid (eat according to government standards; food pyramid)
j.  Advertising (I see it, looks good, and I eat it)
k. For nutrition (to gain optimal health)
l.  For a health condition (blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease, etc.)
m. For relaxation
n. Emotional eater (eat to control emotions or stress)

Are you currently eating how you want to or is your lifestyle controlling your food choices?  



Genetically Modified Organism (GMO's)


This new technology within the food industry takes genes from other organisms and inserts them into the DNA of food crops or animals.  This makes the crops or animals resistance to pesticides and some diseases.  The genes come from bacteria, viruses, plants, and animals.  This creates a new life form that would not have occurred in nature.  This may sounds okay but..........

Why GMO crops?
The majority of these crops have been genetically changed so the crop will not die when sprayed with pesticides and herbicides. However, studies have shown that farmers who grow GMO soybeans use 2-5 times more herbicides than farmers who grow natural soy varieties.  Other studies have shown that GE crops can cross-pollinate with related weeds, resulting in "super weeds" that become difficult to control. Canadian canola growers have found weeds in their fields resistant to Round-Up and Liberty herbicides, forcing the growers to use more potent toxic herbicides.
In the works:  GMO salmon.  The FDA may soon approve a GMO salmon.  A gene is inserted into the salmon to make it grow faster. 

Legally, the products do not have to be labeled GMO.  If they are so good for you why are they trying to hide it?

Most of us eat GMO foods without realizing it! Don't you want the right to control what your body ingests?

Why shouldn't we eat GMO foods?

Simple, we don't know the health consequences.  These food have not been tested before they were put on our grocery shelves.

The GMO foods may cause new food allergies and antibiotic resistance. 

Don't think that these corporations take your best interest to "heart".  There are many things that "they" thought were okay and turned out to cause health risks, cancers, and even death (i.e. cigarettes, plastic, lead, asbestos, etc.).
How to avoid GMO foods:
1.  Buy organic.
2.  Shop at your local farmers market.
3.  Download this list from True Food Network.
 or download the app.



What you need to know about your Morning Joe!
Brewed drink from roasted seeds (coffee beans).  They are seeds of coffee cherries that grow on trees in over 70 countries

How much do I need:  No more than 2 cups a day

Coffee's Job:  The caffeine content gives us a stimulating effect. 

Coffee Sources: Organic (no pesticides), Fair trade (guarantees coffee growers a negotiated preharvest price)

   *Side Note: High consumption of unfiltered coffee is associated with mild elevations in cholesterol levels. 4-7 cups of coffee a day leads to the following:  restlessness, anxiety, irritability, sleeplessness, and headaches.



What is it? 
Essential fatty acids, necessary for human health, but the body can’t make them.  They need to be obtained through food. 
How much do I need:  6 walnuts, or 1 gram of distilled fish oil, or 600 mg of DHA supplement (from algae), or 2 ounces of fatty fish a day.
Omega-3's Job: 
  • Decreases inflammation and cholesterol
  • Helps with blood flow
  • Prevents excessive blood clotting
  • Prevents cancer cell growth
  • Helps regulate food intake, body weight and metabolism.

Omega-3 Sources: 
Brussels sprouts                      
Collard greens
Flax seeds
Mustard seeds

Side Note:  Omega-3s may be better absorbed from food than supplements.  However, when purchasing an omega-3 fatty acid supplement, remember that these oils are highly sensitive to damage from heat, light and oxygen. Choose a certified organic product that has been refrigerated and is packaged in a dark brown or green glass jar and be sure to store the product in your refrigerator or freezer

Also, some species of fish carry a higher risk of environmental contamination, such as with methylmercury.  Some studies show high doses  However, high doses may have harmful effects, such as an increased risk of bleeding.
Studies have proven that a relatively small number of omega-3 food sources can have a measurable impact on your blood levels of omega-3s, including those two key omega-3 fatty acids, EPA (eicosaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). For example, two weekly servings of a non-fried, omega-3 containing fish (like wild-caught Pacific salmon) is enough to boost your blood levels of omega-3s. A small amount goes a long way!

Helpful websites for risk factors for eating fish:


Foods that Decrease Inflammation

Foods that Decrease Inflammation:
Oily fish- Omega-3fatty acids
Flax seeds
Canola oil
Pumpkin seeds
Olive oil
Foods that are high in Fiber
Non-dairy protein foods
Whole grain foods

Three great sources of non-dairy protein that help to reduce pain/inflammation:
Soy beans
Soy Milk

Inflammation Triggers:
Red meats
*try to cut back on fatty red meats
Fried Foods
Sunflower oil



Carbohydrates and Fiber = Decreased Inflammation 

Most of your carbohydrates should come from whole grains, vegetables and fruits.

Products to keep 100% whole grain:

*Whole grains are excellent sources of fiber, and a high fiber diet will reduce your inflammation.

How to put Fiber in your diet:
Green leafy vegetables
Brightly colored vegetables
Lots of fresh whole fruits.

*You should eat at least 5 and preferably more servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

* Green vegetables and whole fruits are also important as sources of dietary fiber.

Berries are also a great food choice, especially blueberries and strawberries which are packed with anti-inflammatory phytochemicals and anti-oxidants.

*The pigments in brightly colored fruits, vegetables and berries contain many phytochemicals that have anti-inflammatory properties. One example is quercetin, which is found in apple and red onion skins and has strong antiinflammatory properties.



Anti-Inflammatory Diet Tips

Over all, when you are choosing anti-inflammatory foods to help reduce your inflammation and pain, choose fresh foods instead of heavily processed foods.

 Here are some tips:
  • Breakfast could be oatmeal served with fresh berries and walnuts, with a cup of soy milk.
  • Snack on whole fruits, nuts, seeds, and fresh vegetables throughout the day instead of cookies and candy.
  • Eat more fish and less fatty red meat.
  • Stay away from deep fried foods and bake or stir fry your meals instead.
  • Choose green, orange, and yellow vegetables for your side dishes.
  • Drink plenty of water, fresh 100% fruit and vegetable juices, herbal teas and green tea.
  • Exercise- keep your body moving to help decrease inflammation

More information about Omega-3 Fatty Acids



Here are some of your best snack picks:

When 3 or 4 o'clock rolls around and you are still at work and your stomach starts to talk to you.... what do you do?  It is still too early for dinner and you already had lunch (hopefully).  The best thing is to grab a snack so, here are some great ideas for snacks that will help you to stay energized, full and watch your waist line.

Whole grains:
Pro- rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates, gives you energy with staying power.
Low-fat whole-grain crackers
Whole-grain pretzels
Whole-grain crispbreads.

  • Fruits and vegetables:
 Pro- Gives you a feeling of fullness with no fat  and only a small number of calories. Provide vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients.

  • Nuts and seeds:
Pro- Provide protein, feel fuller longer. High in fat, but it's mostly monounsaturated, a healthy kind of fat.

Con- High in calories, so watch how many you eat!

Low-fat dairy products:

Pro- good sources of calcium and protein, plus many other vitamins and minerals.

Con- Can be high in fat, so choose the low-fat versions. Some yogurts have extra added sugar, so look for low-calorie or "light" varieties.

Though snacks can contribute to a healthy diet, they can also be a source of excess calories if not eaten in moderation. For example, a single serving of almonds (about 23 kernels, or a handful) contains 163 calories. But if you eat a cup of almonds, the calorie count jumps to 800-plus calories.

So what are your best choices? Here are several suggestions:

Weight-loss snacks
Approximate number of caloriesFood
10 calories1 large stalk of celery
25-30 calories1 cup raw vegetables
6 medium baby carrots
60 calories2 cups air-popped or light popcorn
1 cup of cantaloupe or grapes
1 small can of vegetable juice
100 calories1 cup sliced bananas and fresh raspberries
2 domino-sized slices low-fat Colby or cheddar cheese
1 fat-free chocolate pudding cup
150 calories1/2 cup frozen, low-fat yogurt topped with 1/2 cup blueberries
1 cup sliced apples with 1 tablespoon smooth peanut butter
4 rye crispbread crackers
200 calories
1/4 cup dry roasted soy nuts (calories vary by brand)
1/3 cup granola
1 cup low-fat cottage cheese topped with 1/2 cup sliced fresh peaches

Lesson- Have a snack but watch the amount for some!



Lutein: a yellow or orange pigment found in some fruits and vegetables.

How much do I need:  a leafy green vegetable a day (40mcg).

Lutein's Job: Protects against cataracts and macular degeneration, and may help protect against clogging of the carotid arteries in the neck.

Lutein Sources: 
Sweet potatoes
Dark, leafy greens
Bok choy


Uncoding Fruits and Vegetables

Fruit & Vegetable Codes

Most fruits and vegetables have little stickers on their skin.  These stickers tell us how that fruit or vegetable was grown. If is has a 4 digit number then pesticides were sprayed on it. 

If it has a 5 digit number, with the first number being a 9, then it has not been sprayed with pesticides. 

If it has a 5 digit number being with an 8 then it is genetically engineered (see glossary). 

Codes: look at the stickers on the pieces of fruits and vegetables,
4 digit number:  may be grown with use of pesticides/insecticides, not organic
5 digit number, starting with “9”:  Organic
5 digit number, starting with “8”:  Genetically engineered
*it's best to buy organic or local

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) researched which fruits and vegetables has the highest and lowest levels of pesticides to help us determine which ones to buy organic and which ones can be bought non-organic (or with a 4 digit number sticker).

Buy these Organic (highest in pesticides if not organic)
grapes (imported)
sweet bell peppers

Buy these Non-organic (lowest in pesticides if not organic)
sweet corn
sweet peas (frozen)

*Fruits and Veggies with tough skins are less susceptible to pesticides.


Strengthen the Immune System

Studies have linked a number of foods and nutrients to the strengthening of the immune system:

  • Vitamin C (citrus fruit, broccoli)
  • Vitamin E (nuts, vegetable oils, and whole grains)
  • Garlic (also a natural antibiotic)
  • Zinc (beef, turkey, beans, oysters, crab)
  • Bioflavenoids (fruits and vegetables)
  • Selenium (chicken, whole grains, tuna, red snapper, lobster, shrimp, garlic, egg yolks, sunflower seeds, brown rice)
  • Carotenoids (carrots, yams)
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids (nuts, salmon, tuna, mackerel, flaxseed oil)
Useful Tips
  • Washing your hands thoroughly and often with soap and warm water, particularly before eating and after using the bathroom. This reduces the number of organisms that can enter your body.

  • Cooking meat thoroughly to kill dangerous bacteria and other microorganisms.
  • Getting at least 8 hours of sleep every day — deep sleep stimulates and energizes the immune system.

  • Maintaining a healthy weight — obesity can lead to a weakened immune system.

  • Exercising at least 30 minutes most days of the week — physical activity stimulates the immune system and helps with weight maintenance or reduction.

  • Consuming alcohol moderately — while one drink does not appear to affect immune response, having three or more drinks in a short period starts to impair white blood cells' functioning.

  • Eating less sugar — 100 grams of sugar, the amount in one 12-ounce can of regular soda, can reduce the ability of white blood cells to kill germs by 40 percent for up to 5 hours!

  • Becoming a non-smoker — smoking leads to lung and other cancers, and also weakens the immune system.

  • Reducing and managing stress, such as effective time management — long periods of feeling stressed weakens the immune response.

Since, we are entering the winter months it is important to take these steps to help our bodies fight colds and other various illnesses. 

Stay Healthy-Stay Active-Stay Knowledgeable


Paper or Plastic?

Plastic Bags

Plastic is a very new material, so we don't know exactly how long it takes to decompose.  However, researchers say it may take 500-1,000 years!  Wow! That is a long time.  It takes this long because microbes don't recognize polyethylene--the major component of plastic bags--as food, breakdown rates by this means in landfills is virtually nil.
  • Shoppers worldwide are using 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags per year.  This translates to about a million bags every minute across the globe.
  • Every year, Americans throw away some 100 billion plastic bags.
  • The energy needed to manufacture and transport disposable bags eats up more resources and creates global warming emissions.
  • The production of plastic bags requires petroleum and often natural gas, both non-renewable resources that increase our dependency on foreign suppliers.


A river in China, choking on plastic

  • When it rains, all the plastic bags that people toss into the trash are washed down the stormdrains, which lead directly to our rivers and oceans
To make all the bags we use each year, it takes 14 million trees for paper!

So...Neither.  Bring your cloth bags to the grocery store! 

*Remember you can always take your plastic bags back to the grocery store and they will recycle them.
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Enjoy all the Health Benefits of Green Tea

Green Tea

Green tea is originally from Asia and has been used as a medicine in China for 4,000 years!  Green tea is made from the top two leaves and buds of a shrub, Camellia sinensis.
How much do I need:2-3 cups a day

Green Tea's Job:    
Decreases risk for bacterial or viral infections
Heart disease
Dental diseases
Promotes fat loss
Re-hydrates the body
Protects the liver (from alcohol, toxins)
 Increases exercise endurance
Improves cognition
Protects against Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinson's Disease

Green Tea Sources:  Chinese Green Teas, Indian Green Teas.  The most stringent standards for organic produce are found in California, Japan and Germany.

Store in a tightly constructed opaque container to protect it from light, moisture, and food odors.  Dark glass or ceramic containers are best; tins often leak. Use a small container just large enough to accommodate the amount of tea; tea exposed to the air in a half-empty large container will continue to oxidize.  It's best to store tea in a dark, cool, dry cupboard. Tea stored in the refrigerator is vulnerable to moisture and odors from other foods.

Prepare: loose tea, use a small food scale. Use three grams of tea to five ounces of water if brewing tea in a small teapot; four grams of tea to eight ounces of water for other methods. Pour 8 ounces of water into the tea pot.  

Side Notes: 
*Most high-quality teas will produce a pale green to yellow-green cup.
*1 ounce of tea = 15 to 30 cups
*Green tea contains caffeine, although half that is found in coffee.  
For more information check out: