It All Starts Down on the Farm

It All Starts Down on the Farm.....

About Me

I am a Nurse Practitioner and pediatric nurse. My passion for nutrition and health has inspired me to create this blog. I hope this blog will be a good resource for you when you grocery shop at the farmer's market or store.


Raw Food

Raw Food is:

-food that hasn't been cooked, microwaved, altered in a lab, manufactured, mass-produced, or genetically modified
-food that doesn't contain preservatives or chemicals

-food that hasn't been heated above 115 degrees
If foods are cooked above this temperature, the food lose enzymes and nutrients
Eat raw foods daily and enjoy the health benefits!

Raw foods are rich in nutrients, full of fiber, low in fats and sugars

 Health Benefits
-decreases risk for chronic illnesses
-decreases body weight
-removes toxins that have built up
-helps with digestion
-clearer skin
-lowers cholesterol
-lowers blood sugar
-raw, cruciferous vegetables (such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale) may reduce the risk of bladder cancer
-raw vegetables reduces the risk of oral, pharyngeal, laryngeal, esophageal, and gastric cancers

 Examples of raw foods:
  • seaweed
  • sprouts
  • sprouted seeds
  • whole grains
  • beans
  • dried fruits
  • nuts
  • fruits
  • vegetables
The best part...Raw Foods gives you more Energy!!

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