What is Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)?
It's a fancy word for buying food directly from the farmer. This summer and fall my fruits and vegetables will be coming from Lake Breeze Organics (http://lakebreezeorganics.com/). This farm is located near Lake Michigan in Michigan. The farmers grow heirloom fruits and vegetables. Every Wednesday I'll travel 1 mile from my house to pick-up a box filled with in-season goodies. The farmers will email weekly recipes and information about the items of the week.
My meat and eggs will be from a farm called Grass is Greener Gardens (http://www.grassisgreenergardens.com/). This farm is located in Wisconsin. The last Monday of every month I'll travel 3 blocks from my house to pick-up a box filled with meats and eggs.
The best part, I'll be renting an apple tree this fall!! The tree is at Earth First Farms (http://www.earthfirstfarms.com/). I'll also be invited to their annual harvest festival in October, which includes live music, apples, apple products, hay rides, food and drinks!
How to have your own CSA?
1. Visit this website: http://www.localharvest.org/
2. Type in your zip code. A listing of all the farms that deliver to your area will be displayed.
3. Choose a farm.
4. Sign-up and send in a check.
Side note: sign-up soon because some CSA's are so popular that they will sell out.
5. Enjoy heirloom produce and healthy farm meats and eggs directly from the farm.